
A minimally invasive solution for vaginal relaxation and atrophy.

Overstretching of the vaginal wall during childbirth and natural ageing can weaken the collagen tissue around the vagina.

As a result women can experience decreased satisfaction during sexual intercourse.

Pelvic floor exercise can help to strengthen the muscles but until now there was no reliable solution to improve the thinning of the vaginal wall.

With IntimaLase® you can more tightening of the vaginal wall and better results.


€500 per treatment. A course of 3 is recommended.
An initial gynaecological assessment and consultation is required (price: €200). This is is to ensure that the treatment is suitable for you and that you do not have any other gynaecological problems.

The treatments and 1st consultation (which includes a pelvic scan)  is carried out by our Gynae Consultant Dr Rita Galimberti.

After your initial consultation, we will book you in for your treatments, which can be up to 3 seperate treatments, 4 weeks apart for each treatment.

Payment can be made on the day of treatment with a €50 deposit only taken. So you can pay as you go, no need to pay for all of the treatment package up front.

Laser Clinic FAQ's

Femplus Laser Clinic, Dublin, Ireland.
Yes. Your first consultation is a full gynecological assessment to establish what your needs are. You will have a gynecological examination and in some cases an ultrasound as well. There could be other gynecological reasons for your problem.
All the laser treatments are done by a doctor.
Success rates are variable and will be discussed at your first consultation.
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