Prices & Policies

Prices and Policies – Please read before attending/ or booking with us

Deposit – We ask for a €50 deposit to secure your appointment. Your deposit is refundable and will be deducted off your bill on the day of your appointment. For cancellations, we require 2 working days notice before your appointment date. You will only lose your deposit if you are more than 5 minutes late for your appointment or if you do not attend the clinic on the day of your appointment. Our system will not allow us to book an appointment without a deposit payment.

Please be on time – We respectfully ask that you arrive BEFORE your appointment time. We cannot see patients who arrive more than 5 minutes late.

This is essential for the following reasons: 

       ·         we need to give you the necessary time in order to provide you with the quality of medical care that you deserve

       ·         if you are late you compromise the medical care of other patients scheduled for the day 

       ·         we need to ensure the smooth running of the clinic for patients and staff involved


Attend on your own – Please attend the clinic on your own (with the exception of pregnancy scans in which you can bring your partner). 

We have limited seating in the waiting room so if somebody does come with you, they will be asked to wait outside.


Children/babies are not allowed in the clinic for the following reasons:

  • Bringing your child or baby for your consultation can compromise the quality of medical care you will receive and this is not acceptable.
  • Leaving a child in the waiting room is not an option, as we cannot take the responsibility of children supervision during your consultation.

Parking – There is no parking in the clinic carpark, this is reserved for staff, deliveries and emergency services. There is free parking on the road outside and by the side of the clinic.

Payment – We accept cash and debit/credit card payments. We do not accept payment by cheque. A receipt will be issued at the time of the consultation only. We do not accept Medical Cards.

Be Respectful – When we have to address any of our terms and conditions which have not been followed, we would appreciate that you are respectful and not engage in rude or abusive behaviour to our team. We are here to help and we will always endeavour to help you, when you are polite and mannerly.


Femplus - Complete Women's Care

Gynae consultation including pelvic ultrasound with Gynae Consultant €300

Gynae consultation with Doctor (No ultrasound)  €150

Return breast check with Doctor €50

Nurse Consultation €50

Private Smear €150

STD Screening Service – bloods and pelvic exam €100
STD swab / review if required  €50
Repeat Chlamydia  €50

Swabs and blood tests are not included in the above prices

Contraception 1st Consultation €50

Repeat contraceptive pill prescription €50 in house or €25 online.  (Free for 17 – 35 year old with valid PPSN)

Depovera 1st consultation €50

Repeat Depovera €50

Coil consultation €50/ €70 with swabs.   (Free for 17 – 35 year old with valid PPSN)

Mirena/Copper coil out only €80

Mirena coil insertion including 6 week ultrasound check up €200

Mirena out & re-inserted including 6 week ultrasound check up €250

Complicated removal & re-insertion(that means that the strings are not visible) €350

Copper coil insertion including coil and ultrasound check up €250.  (€50 for 17 – 35 year old with valid PPSN)

Copper coil out & re-insertion €300

Complicated removal & re-insertion €400

Complicated coil removal(strings are not visible) €200

Emergency Copper Coil €350 (€50 for 17 – 35 year old with valid PPSN)

Implanon insertion €100 (Free for 17 – 35 year old with valid PPSN)

Implanon removal €150 (Free for 17 – 35 year old with valid PPSN)

Removal & re-insertion €150 (Free for 17 – 35 year old with valid PPSN)

Drs are accredited with the British Menopause Society

1st menopause consultation with Dr  €200

Menopause consultation with Gynaecologist (Limited availability) €300

Interim menopause review (Doctor)  €70

Annual menopause review (Doctor)  €150

Transvaginal Ultrasound €150

Annual blood test €50

First Consultation, incudes Chlamydia swab, and internal scan €200

Hycosy €350 

Chlamydia Check before Hycosy €50

Semen Analysis €120

Fertility Bloods (existing patients only) Price given depending on bloods needed to be done.

Satellite First Consultation by phone €50 (Once you have your information from your satellite clinic)

Satellite package #1 €400 per cycle (IVF using your own eggs) 1 x Prescription and 2 x Monitoring Scans

Satellite package #2 €300 per cycle (Donor egg cycle) 1 x Prescription and 1 x Scan

Satellite package #3 if you need scans only €100 per scan, this does not include prescriptions

Ultrasound (Internal Pelvic, existing patients only €150)

Pregnancy scan (Between 8-15 weeks) €100
Harmony / NIPT Prenatal Testing scan & blood test (done from week 10-15) €480
Follicular tracking scan for existing patients only €100
Scan to check if coil is in situ (scan will only confirm if coil is in situ if it is not a full pelvic scan) €100

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